CSV Converter

Convert CSV to

View your csv file

CSV files store tabular data and are often used by spreadsheet applications.

The first row is usually a header row with the column names. Each row is stored as comma separated values, where each value has a comma between it and the next one.

Sometimes I have a CSV file that I need to convert to another format to use with some software. Other times I have a different format that I need to convert to CSV so that I can open it on my computer or use it with software.

You use this CSV converter to convert a CSV file to another format. You can also convert other data formats to CSV with this converter.

How do I convert data to CSV

  1. Go to the data format converter (www.wedodatascience.com/datasets/convert)

  2. Select the input data format from the top of the page. This will take you to a data format converter page.

  3. Select the output format from the top of the page

  4. Upload your data

  5. Click download to get your converted data file.

How do I Convert CSV to Another Format

  1. Select the output format from the top of this page. This will take you to the specific format converter.

  2. Upload your data using the input at the top of the page

  3. A download button will appear when your data has been converted.

  4. Click the download button to download your data.

How Can I Make a Graph from a CSV File

You can grab your CSV data using the graph maker. Just delete the kind of graph you want to make and then upload your CSV using the data and at the top of the page.

If you want to make a graph using software there doesn't support CSV files then you can convert the CSV using this converter. Just select the carport for me from the top of this page, upload your data and then download your converter data file.

How can I Analyze CSV Data

You can analyze CSV data using the regression or correlation tools on the side of the page. Just select the toll that you want to use then upload your data and configure your analysis.

What is a CSV Converter

 CSV converter lets you convert CSV data to another output format. It also allows you to convert other data formats to CSV.

CSV data is useful because it's understood by a lot of software programs. You can often view and edit CSV files using a simple text editor in your computer.

Sometimes CSV isn't the best data format for the job. For example CSV data does not compress very well. If you need to store a lot of CSV data it can be more useful to convert to a parquet data format because it compresses a lot better than CSV data. Parquet data can be difficult to work with because not many software programs understand it.

Can you convert CSV into Excel

CSV data can be converted into Excel but the CSV converter cannot do it.

The easiest way to use Excel CSV data is to simply paste your CSV data into the Excel worksheet. The data should format nicely after it has been posted. 

If you want to make graphs or analyze your CSV data you can do it from within we do data science. Select the tool you want to use and then upload your CSV data. You can then configure your analysis or your graph and then download it. No Excel required.

Why can't I Open a CSV File

Sometimes a CSV file will not open because you do not have a program that knows that I open it.

Mac and Linux computers have software that can open CSV files installed natively. Sometimes Windows computers do not have a program that can open CSV files. If you don't have a program that cannot open a CSV file, then you might want to download textedit or Notepad for Windows.

If you want to make graphs or analyze your CSV data, you can do that from within We Do Data Science. Just select the tool that you want to use and upload your CSV data.  After your CSV data has been uploaded, then you can configure the toll or graph as you like. No software installation is required.